Friday, May 11, 2012

Maine Roadtrip 2009

In only a few weeks my family will be in Maine for our summer vacation, and I can't wait! It's been 2 years since Dave and I have gone, so I'm especially looking forward to it. We haven't decided whether we are flying or driving yet. Flying would obviously be nice, and roughly a million times faster than driving, but I think driving has its advantages too. For one thing, you don't have to be as picky about what luggage you bring. Also, we could bring our dog. And it's possible to make the drive fun.

Back in 2009 when we drove up from Georgia, my sister Annie came along to keep us company. Her job wasn't to help me and Dave with the driving, but mostly to keep us awake and entertained during the drive. :-) We had a van back then so it was super comfortable and there was lots of room to spread out.

For this layout, I wasn't so much focused on the pictures, as on the story behind them. I didn't take many pictures during the actual drive up, yet I wanted to document the long trip. I liked the idea of having a map that showed how many states we drove through, and our actual route. Making that map was time intensive! First I had to find a map online that fit what I was looking for, and was big enough to fill up a 12x12 space, then I had to print it, cut it out, trace it onto my paper, and cut that out. Then I filled in the state lines, which aren't quite exact, but thankfully I'm not a perfectionist (or I was just to sick of it at that point to care).

The yellow letters were cut out using a Cricut machine. The stickers were whatever random ones I had in my very-random collection of stickers.

Maybe if we fly to Maine this year I'll do a parallel page that emphasizes how much quicker that is. :-)

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