Friday, June 8, 2012

Doctor Who Cross Stitch

This has nothing whatsoever to do with scrapbooking, but I was really excited to finish this project last week and I wanted to show it!

My brother recently got engaged to his girlfriend Anna. I think it was even before they were "officially" dating that I started this project (I want to say it was around November/December), thinking I would someday give it to them as a little engagement present. I got very close to the end, and then I just got caught up doing other things, and did not finish it. Well, when Tim bought the ring a few weeks back, I figured I really needed to hurry up and finish this thing!! (So up until the morning before I gave it to them, I was rushing to finish it and prepare the frame.)


You should check out the etsy store Wee Little Stitches. This is where I got the pattern. I love all their cute little "Pixel People"--especially the superhero alphabet. I would love to do that one someday! But the one I chose to do this time was the Doctor Who Companions--except I wanted to do only Rory and Amy (and change the hair color so it looked more like Tim and Anna :-) ).

I didn't use all the exact colors the pattern called for, but I have a box FULL of embroidery floss of all sorts of colors, so I just used whatever I had that matched best. That way this project was nearly free! I also tweaked the pattern a little (I made some changes to the Tardis, like adding the words "Police Box" to the top). Then I bought a wooden frame from Joann's and painted it Tardis blue, and finished it off with some Mod Podge.

Here are some more closeups:

It makes me so happy when I totally complete a project!


  1. That is so cool!! :)
    I used to cross stitch quite a bit, but haven't in a while.

  2. Very cool! They are sure to love it... beautifully done!

  3. Ha, that looks really fun, and the blue frame goes really well. x

  4. this is soo cute!! when i was little i used to needlepoint but boy, i havent done it in like forever!!
